Sunday, March 16, 2008

What it means to be a Talkative – Dumb?

When I sat back with this Sweet Scribbling pad and my pen, I was thinking what I am going to scribble here. At that instant this title struck me. Simply, it is going to be a soliloquy of my life by myself in a short talk. As this pad is going to peep into a lot more scenes from the drama called my life, here is a small handshake regarding who I am. Life has shown two beautiful places on earth – My school Cambridge and college SSNCE (Scenes happened out there in future posts). The two places which groomed me to what I am now. Now a part of Cognizant, another special one appended to the list. I am a guy who takes lots of pride out of my own life whatever way it twists. Love to live life as it is, could excavate a positive point out of the remotest point in earth. Very sensitive. Quite sincere.

To talk is to breathe. That’s me. I am a damn talkative guy. I am sure that I could keep a place aloud and vibrant always. If I sit back and think where all this started, it was on a June when I came into this earth crying out loud. Future foresaw things that this guy is going to talk for his lifetime and gave a head start straight away. I started to talk a lot when I was less than a year old. I started to count from 1 to 10 when I completed one year old (Information Courtesy – My dear Mom), then after I never stopped. Oration and Seminars kept my voice busy in school. Friends and relatives kept the tempo ahead.

College too helped to maintain this form. But as we know, the only thing that never changes in this universe is changes. A transition was waiting for me as well. It was the dawn of our Dumb – Charades team. Bus journey in SSN provides you lot of time to do something different (Minimum 2 hours a day). We chose to stay dumb. We formed a dumb charades team comprising of me, Raven (Fellow writer in this blog) and Vinod with the invincible support of our bus mates (Have bugged them a lot during our practice sessions in bus). Initially we started this as a time-killer with Tamil movies. One day a senior said why don’t you try participating in an inter-collegiate symposium. There it all started. In the last two years of our college we formed our own dynasty in dumb-charades among Chennai Engineering colleges and ruled as one of the emperors of the time. Today though my fingers code for softwares, the codes I mimed and the words I guessed gives me more pride.

Even now I could keep the place vibrant with my talks, but also I could speak aloud with my actions. A perfect blend makes me a TALKATIVE – DUMB

- Auric Photon


Rajesh|Raven|Rize said...

I m happy to b the first one to comment on this article....
For those who read it.. initialy this might sound a bit lengthy... actually that is wat i told him too.. n when i wanted to cut it short.. i understood that every word is irreplacable..
Her i m happy to welcome my friend
Auric Photon to my blog as a fellow writter ...

Anonymous said...

In agreement with the previous comment, very lengthy article but had to be that way, for two reasons:-

1)Every word irreplaceable (clipped from rajesh|raven|rice)
2)Considering the excessively expressive style and mannerisms of our friend Auric Photon-anything less than what he wrote would not really be possible for him.

But than Dumb C shows, Mr Photon never gives his vocal chords any solace from his non-stop chatter

Happy Blogging!!

swarna said...

Mr.Aric Photon@chatter box,i am quite happy to know that u were quiet atleast during dumb-charades.why dont you start dumb-charades in Cognizant?-

Unknown said...

Ya sure swarna.. But sitting in eBay floor we could not think abt those kind of things i guess.. Already most ppl are dumb here..

ramakrishnan said...

Hi thanga... u have started writing..and so u will not talk atleast when you are writing...great news...:)

maria said...

hi gold,,,i wish u shud keep ur momentum going on especially in the art of talking....te rightly permuted words of urs is wat i admire...and i have grown hearing them....nw wat i am in ma coll is all bcoz of ur teachings (though i extracted them frm urs,u have been ma source)i have influenced many so r u....plz keep talking....luv to see ur mouth opened with ur tongue rolling inside n giving work to ur vocal cord...te other way wud not be so pleasant....keep roking.....

ViJaY said...

Hi goldie!!! Welcome to the world of blogging!!! Joint venture eh!!! Nadathu nadathu!!! Happy blogging!!!

P.S. Semma peter goldie!!! Chance eh illa!!! ;)

Anup is here said...

hi thanga, i enjoyed reading
your blog. well scripted.
keep going. cheers.

Ajay said...


1. For one of the bestestest dumb-c teams we have come across.

2. For the excellent narration style.

great going gold!!